Monday 24 September 2007

Nabaztag + Facebook

I have to blog this. If you are using Facebook and own Nabaztag, there is two apps you have to try.

First is just Nabaztag. It adds box to your profile and your friends can send to your bunny messages or move it's ears. I didn't want that my montly message limits get full, so I just added that people can move the ears. This it not so new and big thing, because you can add php code to your own website and do this same.

The second one, the better one, is Nabazbook. It sends messages to your bunny when some one of your friends change their status. The message is something like "Facebook! X is .... Facebook!" The best thing is, that this isn't eating your montly free messages, or so I thinks so. The maker of this app says that they fixed this up with people of Violet.

And I found also this group Nabaztag. But there are some others Nabaztag groups. I don't know why people can't just have one group where are all Nabaztag's owner but millions of 1 or 2 persons' groups.


  1. both of the apps are dead, unfortunately :'(

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